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My Foundation

Education, License, Certifications & Experience

Psychedelic Somatic Institute (PSI) Training

Apprentice Training

​June 2024 - December 2024

I trained with the Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy (PSIP)  for Apprentice Training.   This approach support clients by integrating my experience in trauma approaches, somatic therapy and psychedelic therapy. For more information:

Hakomi Institute Training

Hakomi (Somatic) Therapy

Level 1: 2022 - 2023

Level 2: 2023 - 2024

I have completed a 2-year training with the Hakomi Institute in Colorado.  I fold this mindful, body-centered (somatic) approach into all of my services, from my presence in session to more intensive interventions.  For more information:

Skylight Psychedelics

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy


February 2023

I completed a certification course with Skylight Psychedelics for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP).  I am able to refer clients to Skylight Psychedelics for sublingual ketamine to be used only in conjunction with KAP (preparation, dosage sessions, and integration).  

For more information:

Polaris Insight Training

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Jan - March 2023

I expanded on my work with non-ordinary states of consciousness with a 5-module (1 introduction & 4 intermediate courses) Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy training through Polaris Insight Center.  I am learned the practice of KAP, including diverse dosing strategies, in order to craft intervention strategies at both the psycholytic (trance, self-reflective) and psychedelic (transformational/transpersonal) levels of experience.

For more information:  

PsyPact Commission - APIT

Jan 2023

Though the PsyPact Commission, I hold a certification that authorizes the practice of interjurisdictional telepsychology (APIT) outside of Colorado.  

For a list of current PSYPACT participating states, please visit the PSYPACT website at:

MAPS Training

MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy


I trained with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) to work with non-ordinary states of consciousness.  I learned how to prepare people for the experience, set intentions, develop skills, and integrate what was learned into their lives.  

For more information:

IIEFFT Certifications 

Emotion-Focused Family Therapy

Advanced Therapist

Supervisor & Trainer

Caregiver Workshop Facilitator

2016 - 2020

I trained in Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) in 2016 with the co-developer, Dr. Adele Lafrance. I became certified as an Advanced Therapist while also joining the board of the International Institute of EFFT (IIEFFT). I went on to become a certified Supervisor and Trainer. I have been supporting parents/caregivers, individual clinicians and a large hospital organization for over 5 years in using this approach.  

For more information:;

Eating Recovery Center & Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center

2010 -2024

I worked for this national behavioral health hospital as a Primary/Family Therapist, Clinical Director, Regional Clinical Director and National Director of Psychotherapy.  I specialized in working with children, adolescents and adults with eating disorders, anxiety disorders (including OCD), depressive disorders, trauma-related disorders, and ADHD.  I was instrumental in the development of the family empowerment approach, using both Emotion-Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) and FBT (Family-Based Treatment).  

For more information: https://www.eatingrecoverycenter.com

State of Colorado

Licensed Clinical Psychologist


I became a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Colorado after completing my Doctorate in Psychology, all required licensing experience and supervision hours, and the EPPP licensing exam. 

The Children's Hospital of Colorado

2006 - 2009

I trained at the Children's Hospital of Colorado as a practicum student, Pre-Doctoral Intern, and Post-Doctoral Fellow.  I worked in inpatient, day treatment and outpatient programs working with the Eating Disorders Unit, Anxiety Clinics, and ADHD programs.  

George Washington University

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)

2003 - 2006 

I completed a doctorate in psychology (PsyD) at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. Throughout this program, I completed practicums at an associated outpatient clinic, Head Start program, and local juvenile justice center.  

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